ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
Prof. Jürg Nievergelt

Selected Publications

[TLN02] V. Tscherter, R. Lamprecht, J. Nievergelt: Exorciser: Automatic Generation and Interactive Grading of Exercises in the Theory of Computation. Fourth International Conference on New Educational, pages 3.1.47-50. Lugano, Switzerland. May 2002.
[N00] J. Nievergelt: Exhaustive search, combinatorial optimization and enumeration: Exploring the potential of raw computing power, 18-35 in "Sofsem 2000 - Theory and Practice of Informatics", V. Hlavac, K.G. Jeffery and J. Wiedermann (eds.), Springer LNCS Vol 1963, 2000.
[NDM99] J. Nievergelt, N. Deo, A. Marzetta: Memory-efficient enumeration of constrained spanning trees, Information Processing Letters, Vol 72, No 1-2, 47-53, Oct 1999.
[NW99] J. Nievergelt, P. Widmayer: Spatial data structures: concepts and design choices, 725-764 in J-R. Sack and J. Urrutia (eds.): Handbook of Computational Geometry, Elsevier, 1999.
[BAFN99] A. Bruengger, A. Marzetta, K. Fukuda, J. Nievergelt: The parallel Search Bench ZRAM and its applications, Annals of Operations Research, Special issue on Parallel Optimization, Vol 90, 45-63, 1999.
[AN01] A. Marzetta, J. Nievergelt: Enumerating the k best plane spanning trees, Computational Geometry - Theory and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 1, 55-64, Jan 2001.
[MNSS] M. Mueller, J. Nievergelt, S. Santos, U. W. Suter: A Novel Geometric Embedding Algorithm for Efficiently Generating Dense Polymer Structures, accepted by Journal of Chemical Physics.
[SSMN01] S. Santos, U. Suter, M. Mueller, J. Nievergelt: A novel parallel-rotation algorithm for atomistic Monte-Carlo simulation of dense polymer systems, Journal of Chemical Physics Vol 114 No 23, 9772-9779, June 2001.
[N99] J. Nievergelt: Roboter programmieren - ein Kinderspiel. Bewegt sich auch etwas in der Allgemeinbildung? Informatik Spektrum, Vol 22, No 5, 364-375, Oct 1999.
[RNH00] R. Reichert, J. Nievergelt, W. Hartmann: Ein spielerischer Einstieg in die Programmierung mit Kara und Java, Informatik Spektrum Vol 23 Nr 5, 309-315, Oct 2000.
[WJ99] C. Wirth, J. Nievergelt: Exhaustive and Heuristic Retrograde Analysis of the KPPKP Endgame, ICCA J., Vol 22, No 2, 67-80, June 1999.
[TM00] T.R. Lincke, A. Marzetta: Large Endgame Databases with Limited Memory Space. ICGA Journal, Vol. 23, No.3, pp. 131-138, 2000.
[L01] T.R. Lincke: Strategies for the Automatic Construction of Opening Books, Proc. "Computer and Games" Conference, to appear in LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2001.
[M01] Fabian Maeser: Divide and Conquer in Game Tree Search: Algorithms, Software and Case Studies, Dissertation ETH Zurich, 2001.
[HNR01] W. Hartmann, J. Nievergelt, R. Reichert: Kara, finite state machines, and the case for programming as part of general education, HCC '01, IEEE Symp. on Human-Centric Computing Languages and Environments, Sep 2001.
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